Books and Research

Laura I. Rendón is a nationally recognized scholar and student advocate who has published in various outlets including books, federal reports, and major research journals. “From the Barrio to the Academy: Revelations of a Mexican American “Scholarship Girl” (1992), is perhaps her most popular article, and has been reprinted and cited numerous times.
Rendón has authored and co-edited multiple books including: Sentipensante (Sensing/Thinking) Pedagogy: Educating for Wholeness, Social Justice and Liberation (Stylus, 2009), Educating A New Majority, (Jossey-Bass, 1996), ASHE Ethnic Racial Diversity Reader, (Simon & Schuster, 1996), and The Latino Student Guide to STEM Careers, (Greenwood, 2017).
In 2018, Arizona State University’s Bilingual Press published two books that Rendón co-edited with Alfredo de los Santos, Gary F F. Keller, Alberto Acereda, Estela M. Bensimon and Richard J. Tannenbaum which received the Book of the Year Award from the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education. The books are:
- New Directions: Assessment and Preparation of Hispanic College Students
- Moving Forward: Policies, Planning, and Promoting Access of Hispanic College Students
Along with two other authors, Rendón contributed the chapter, Shattering the Deficit Grand Narrative: Toward a Culturally Validating Latino Student Success Framework.
Rendón co-authored two knowledge essays best known for highlighting the assets and cultural wealth of Latinx students. The essays include: Ventajas/Assets y Conocimientos/Knowledge: Leveraging Latin@ Strengths to Foster Student Success, (2014) and Cientificos Latinxs: The Untold Story of Underserved Student Success in STEM Fields of Study (2019).
In 2018, she contributed an essay on intersectionality published in the Association of American Colleges & Universities Winter Issue of Diversity & Democracy: Intersectionality and Well-Being.
Rendón also published a memoir, A first generation scholar's camino de conocimiento: Una autohistoria (2020) in Higher Education. Handbook of Theory and Research, L.W. Perna (Editor).
A longer list of Rendón’s publications is included in her portfolio section, Curriculum Vitae.